Popcorn Reviewss

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3.5 Star popcorn reviewss


Time and again, we at Popcorn Reviewss do our bit to support short films that are well made and need a voice. We know the pain of marketing considering we are new to the playground as well. So it was a while back that I was informed about this short film. Due to a heavy backlog, I was unable to watch it instantly. I only got a fleeting chance to watch it last week. The poster of the film was enough to make me curious about what the next 20 minutes would hold for me. So then is the film worth your time, stay tuned.

Story & Screenplay

Keeping up with the tradition for short films, I will not be revealing any bit of the plot in order to keep your viewing experience intact. But the story is uncomfortable and doesn’t hesitate to ask difficult questions. The screenplay is just set in one place. And the drama is conversational. Right from the first scene, there is this awkward environment which is setup that gives you an inkling of uneasiness. While the premise is pretty straight forward, as the drama unfolds, it begins to catch hold of your attention. A deeply layered screenplay ensures that the proceedings might be eerily relatable to many. And to top it, the characters are extremely well fleshed out with distinct personalities. Along the way, the screenplay doesn’t shy away from asking difficult questions by tackling a few household issues along with the concept of patriarchy. How often do we witness that that one member of the family often bears the brunt for any wrong decision which is made. This is quite a well written screenplay which is open to interpretation at the end after a murky and dark final act.

Dialogues, Music & Direction

The dialogues are conversational and quite impactful. Moreover, they manage to hold your attention throughout. The BGM is sparingly used and makes good use of silence in certain places that adds to the uncomfortable environment. Director Angad Bawa does a fabulous job. The conversational dramas can get tricky and honestly the onus is on the director to make things interesting. And here he is in command right from scene 1 and he doesn’t let go of it for its entire duration. The direction is excellent.


The performances are top notch. Meha Kapoor as the daughter is fabulous to watch and many may find her character real and relatable. Rajesh Jais as the father has a layered character. He doesn’t reveal all of it at the very beginning but does just enough to give you that feeling that all is not well. A brilliant performance. Manasi Joshi Roy delivers a heartfelt performance. She has the character with the most emotions to play with and she lives every beat of it. A wonderful actor who I wish to watch more often!


Unresolved is uncomfortable, unabashed yet relatable, a well made short film which is definitely worth your 20 minutes. Available on Youtube.

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