Crash Landing On You
Confused about whether to watch comedy, romance, drama, thrill, and mystery.
Well, this K-drama Crash Landing On You is the perfect combination of all the genres with some amazing characters and interesting storyline with some humour. It will make you go completely Awwww.
Well, it’s about the successful and beautiful South Korean Business Women named Yoon Se-ri owning Seri’s Choice a beauty product Company that is truly living her best life with being all the Richie-Rich. The only thing missing is the love of her family. Her Family keeps on playing dark games to secure the Chairperson post of their Father’s Company.
All this takes a massive turn when Yoon Seri tests the latest Seri’s Choice Product – paragliding equipment by herself. The Paragliding incident takes a mishap turn when a tornado happens and Yoon Seri finds herself in North Korea where everyone in her hometown assumes her to be dead when not found.
In the North Korea Yoon Seri comes across Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok the Army Officer. Well I must say his rough and tough body with such handsome looks can make anyone fall in love with him.
Well it’s difficult for Captain Ri to decide whether landing of Yoon Seri in North Korea is just a mere accident or is she a spy. Somehow Yoon Seri convinces Captain Ri on being innocent.
Captain Ri is very obedient to his parents and man of his word. Also his brother was in army who died in accident being on duty. But was it really an accident or planned murder?
The story revolves around Yoon Seri, Captain Ri, Seo Dan (Captain Ri’s Fiance) who later falls in love with Kim Junghyun. And how can the story be complete without a villan.
Well this part is very well played by Cheol Gang who plays dark games to take revenge from Captain Ri.
Will Cheol Gang will achieve success?
Whom will Captain Ri choose? Whom will Seo Dan marry?
Making of the Story
Well, the lead actors share the natural chemistry and all other characters of the story have played their respective roles very well, from acting comedy to being serious.
Yoon Seri gets easily mixed up with Captain Ri’s neighbourhood and all the women prepares the food together with laughter and joy sharing all the gossips running in the village. The Shooting place keeps shifting from North Korea to South Korea in Mongolia and Switzerland.
Well, the show also shows a deeper look at traditional kimchi cellars in rural areas to trains being at a halt due to power cut.
The direction of the story could be improved a bit along with the dialogues a bit more humour could be added which could have improved the engagement with the audience.
The Storyline is quite engaging but more drama, humour and romance can be added to make it more insightful. Well, the storyline of the end could be altered.
Well, this show will make you cry, laugh, and touch your hearts at the same time. This would be the best investment of your time in surreal times.
Disclaimer: The above review solely illustrates the views of the writer.