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In The Heights

4 Star popcorn reviewss


It is just Wednesday but today is a special day. What began as just casual writing has finally been upgraded to the next level, all thanks to your love and support. We at Popcorn Reviewss(and our site) have completed one whole year and what a roller coaster it has been. There have been plenty of new learnings with the way the site looks and with the way we market and write. I still remember bustling with excitement the day our site was launched. We have also seen our share of highs and lows with one constant – YOU! And so today, I thought of watching and reviewing a film that would exude of happy vibes as opposed to the negative ones. With that I finished watching the English musical In The Heights on Amazon Prime and these are my two cents on it.

Story & Screenplay

Based on a Broadway Musical, In The Heights follows the story of Usnavi and a group of immigrants in the vibrant town exuding of happy vibes. The story is just so breezy although not very layered or complex. This film being a musical makes the story automatically refreshing to watch. I have enjoyed my share of musicals but with people who aren’t used to the genre or a broadway, just a small brief. The entire story unfolds through songs with minimal dialogues in between – a far cry from the dialogue heavy films that literally drill the message down your throat. This is a vibrant kind of cinema that might take a while for you to get accustomed to, but it surely will make a way to your heart. The screenplay is also colourful with each character getting ample space to showcase the set of emotions. To be honest, it did take me a good 10 minutes to settle into the movie simply because it had been a while since I had watched a musical. But once that initial barrier was breached, I had the best time witnessing the rest of the screenplay which is filled with fun, froth and colours and the one that exudes of happy vibes along with bunch of other emotions. Yes, there are a few moments that will get you emotional, one that featured an old lady did remind me of my grandma who is not with us now. A good day to remember her as well! Overall, a nicely written screenplay that will uplift your mood and also probably draw a lesson of appreciating and celebrating life in general.

Dialogues, Music & Direction

This being a musical, the dialogues are sparingly used. The focus is more on the music and the lyrics and the music is just so fabulous. It transports you in their world so beautifully where you can feel each emotion and live through them. Director Jon M Chu has done a terrific job here. One, the story telling technique was quite impressive. Two, he was also able to extract the right kind of emotions from the audience. So overall, the direction was top class!


The performances are quite heartfelt. Jimmy Smits as Kevin Rosario has his moments to shine, so does Corey Hawkins as Benny. Gregory Diaz IV as Sonny is first rate. Leslie Grace as Nina looks gorgeous and has quite a layered character. Also her character arc is quite nice too. Melissa Barrera as Vanessa also looks quite pretty and she has a tremendous screen presence. Anthony Ramos as Usnavi is excellent and makes a confident appearance onscreen. All other performers are brilliant as well!


In The Heights is an ode to the happy vibes and a celebration of the smaller pleasures of life. Available on Amazon Prime and Highly Recommended!

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