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The Tinder Swindler

4 Star popcorn reviewss


After a weekend which saw two big webseries releasing on OTT platforms, I decided to pick a documentary to watch and review. I have always enjoyed my share of documentaries especially the ones premiering on Netflix. And so when I came across this Documentary, The Tinder Swindler, I decided to read its synopsis first. The synopsis was intriguing and more so it was a true event which seemed quite shocking given the amount of time we are on social media and more so on dating applications. And I finished watching The Tinder Swindler on Netflix, is it worth your time, stay tuned.

Story & Screenplay

The Tinder Swindler follows the story of three women who fall for a flamboyant and wealthy guy on tinder except that the guy is a fugitive. The story is a true story and it did give me feelers of the hindi film Ladies Vs Rocky Bahl although this one was quite dark. The screenplay almost unfolds like a feature film. Through a set of talks which recreate the drama, the documentary unfolds in the most unassuming manner. It soon takes a shocking turn and this is when the documentary had your full attention. I often asked myself if I was in the shoes of the three women, what would my reaction have been. It was scary after a point and I couldn’t imagine the mental trauma being exerted on them. The narrative is fast paced and moves at a break neck pace. The investigative style of narration makes you inquisitive about who the man actually is and why has he being doing all of it. All answers are revealed through the documentary which does end on a high but still in a shocking manner.


This documentary has a significant amount on impact considering that all the incidents do take place after a match on tinder which is a dating application. Considering the amount of people who are on tinder, this is actually a scary proposition as you now aren’t sure whom to trust and whom not to. The tech savvy generation has a few cons to deal with, without which the course of their lives may change for the worse.

My Take

While I am on almost all social media platforms as far as Popcorn Reviewss is concerned, I am not on any dating applications. And this was the primary reason for the same – I am unsure on how safe they are in terms of meeting new people. While I have made so many friends(and some great ones too) over the internet especially when I am running a site like Popcorn Reviewss but I have always been skeptical about the dating part considering the fact that you do not know the person at all, or you just know that person based on the social media account. This for me is risky as I have heard stories from my friends, some of which were quite murky and scary. So to each his own but be careful. Not everything which you see on social media is true. Also while it is good to help someone, a degree of a background check would be helpful!


The Tinder Swindler is a brilliantly shocking documentary which will leave you gasping for breath. Available on Netflix and Highly Recommended.

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