
Bhuvan Bam. The name is enough to estimate his popularity. What a stunning journey this has been! From introducing us to his Youtube videos which are fondly known as BB ki Vines to now launching his home grown webseries, and From making videos through hand held cameras and essaying so many characters which were hilarious to switching gears and forming a story around them, the journey has indeed been fascinating. So a couple of months back when I got to know about his webseries, naturally I was excited but a part of me was skeptical as well. Often we have seen that some artists do not necessarily translate their success on a small level to the eventual big screen. That said, is Dhindora, the webseries created by Bhuvan Bam as good as his BB ki Vines videos, stay tuned.
Story & Screenplay
Dhindora which follows Bhuvan Bam essaying as many as 10 characters, follows the story of a lottery that is won by the father and the chaos that follows. As mentioned before, I was skeptical and eager to witness this series and all my fears were put to rest when the 1st episode was out. The story is hilarious with so many quirky one-liners that I couldn’t stop laughing. The screenplay also compliments the story very well. What this story needed was quirky characters with quirky situations thrown in. And the screenplay did exactly that. It starts off such a great note, something that was relatable as well. Soon once the chaos starts, the twists and turns begin too and so do the introduction of many characters. All of these factors will keep you hooked and booked as you will often find yourself laughing with hysteria. Only thing is you may need to be well versed with the sense of humour of Bhuvan Bam or you will taje some time to settle into the series. On the small downside, things get slightly repetitive in the middle but there is an emotional thread that runs throughout that is great to watch and will keep you invested. The ending has a good moral to showcase. And the series provides a sneak peek into season 2 right at the end which will leave you asking for more. Overall, a simple but hilariously penned screenplay.
Dialogues, Music & Direction
The dialogues are quirky and so well penned. They are sure to make you laugh. Also, some of the one-liners are gems that have a touch of humour yet would potentially provide life lessons. The music is fabulous and it almost reminded me of the music from the TVF series. The BGM also compliments the drama pretty well. The series is excellently shot that gives it a look of a big budget series. Also, the production design is vibrant and quite nice to look at. Director Himank Gaur seems to be quite familiar with the sense of humour of Bhuvan and he puts it to full use here. The series is light, frothy and hilarious and a large credit goes to the director.
The performances are quite brilliant. Anup Soni who plays a spoof of his version from Crime Patrol is hilarious and that humour so well used in the series. Gayatri Bhardwaj as Dr. Tara looks gorgeous and has a terrific screen presence. She does a fabulous job. And Bhuvan Bam is absolutely a bundle of talent. He does the unthinkable, essaying 10 different characters, all with different traits and each one played to perfection. This is all the more special as he was coming off a personal tragedy and my heart did go out to him then. But the way he has bounced out of it is inspiring and shows how mentally strong he truely is. More power to you, upwards and upwards from here!
In times of anxiety, Dhindora is a breath of fresh air, a fabulous little gem. Available on Youtube and Highly Recommended!