Popcorn Reviewss

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Farhad Dalal

Farhad Dalal is an author, a movie critic and a social media manager. He has been reviewing movies & web series since last 10 years. He has reviewed more than 1000+ films/ web series so far. He is also the founder of Popcorn Reviewss (blog), on which he daily critiques about a movie/web series. He interviews celebrities, makes Vlogs on his youtube channel.

You can follow Farhad on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter.

Failure and rejection is such a big part of my work so I do have a sense of detachment Samvedna Suwalka

Failure and rejection is such a big part of my work so I do have a sense of detachment. – Samvedna Suwalka

With the success of her series ‘Jee Karda’, Samvedna Suwalka is riding on a high. In an Exclusive Interview With Farhad Dalal from Popcorn Reviewss, she talks about her series Jee Karda, and her character Sheetal amidst touching upon the various aspects of her profession.

Failure and rejection is such a big part of my work so I do have a sense of detachment. – Samvedna Suwalka Read More »

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