
And the grand blockbuster weekend starts today(well technically), with as many as 11 new releases and we at PopcornReviewss hope to review all of them one by one. So here we go! First up, I finished watching the new Tamil Film Udanpirappe on Amazon Prime last night. The film marks the 50th outing of Jyothika who is a prolific actor with a great body of work. So then is Udanpirappe worth your time, stay tuned.
Story & Screenplay
Udanpirappe which literally translates into “Sibling” follows the story of a brother and sister who may not be on talking terms with each other, however stand with each other in moments of crisis. The story might seem like a heartwarming family drama but it is just an old wine serves in a new bottle. There is no novelty as far as the story is concerned. The screenplay too isn’t written too well. The entire drama just seems to float on the surface without going into the depth of it. And the characters aren’t too well fleshed out either. So what eventually transpires is that you do not connect at all with the drama despite an event that was expected to shock you and make you emotional. The first half just keeps meandering around the bush and is unnecessarily prolonged. And so by the time the second half arrives, you are just going through the motion waiting for the film to end. The proceedings are a bit boring too which made me fridget in my seat. Overall, the screenplay lacks depth and is a bit of a mess.
Dialogues, Music & Direction
The dialogues are preachy which just do not leave a desired impact. The music is forgettable and so is the BGM. Director Era Saravanan makes a hash of the proceedings. It won’t be wrong if I say that the director misses the mark here.
The performances do not exude any confidence either. Sidhaarth K T as Vivek is alright. Nivedhithaa Sathish as Keerthana looks pretty but does an average job. Samuthirakani as Maathangi’s Husband has very little to do. M. Sasikumar as Vairavan does do a good job but the way his character is written, dilutes the impact to an extent. Jyothika as Maathangi does a fair job. But she cannot salvage some weak writing which is probably the biggest drawback.
Udanpirappe is a mishmash of the entertainers from the 80s. Largely forgettable with poor writing. Available on Amazon Prime.