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Trippin' With The Kandasamys

3.5 Star popcorn reviewss


So now that the major release of the weekend, the second season of The Family Man is out of the way, lets focus on other smaller content. And so I have just finished watching The South African Film Trippin’ With The Kandasamys on Netflix. Its trailer seemed to be interesting but I honestly went in with zero expectations. Is it worth your time, stay tuned.

Story & Screenplay

Trippin’ With The Kandasamys follows the story of two best friends turned in-laws who plan a getaway to rekindle their marriages. Sadly, nothing quite goes as planned. The story is nothing novel but light and frothy. The best part about the screenplay is that it is watertight. The writers do not get carried away or overindulge in the story. In other words, they do not take themselves seriously. The proceedings are kept light and frothy meant for a leisurely viewing. The plot is predictable but quite enjoyable. The humour that is infused may not be palatable to everyone. You need this dry sense of humour to actually enjoy this drama. And I did! The humour was not really in your face but subtle and effective. So all in all, a decently well penned screenplay.

Dialogues, Music & Direction

The dialogues are quirky but only if you latch on to the humour. If you don’t you may end up getting irritated. But quite enjoyable if you ask me. The music is alright, so is the BGM. The film is shot pretty well so the cinematography deserves some brownie points. Director Jayan Moodley has done a good job, his direction holds the drama together.


Misqah Parthiephal looks gorgeous and has done a swell job. Madhushan Singh has done good screen presence and does a good job too. Koobeshan Naidoo and Yugan Naidoo both are first rate. I really enjoyed Mariam Bassa and her dry sense of humour. Uraysha Ramracheya again looks very pretty and it is her character is the catalyst for the screenplay. She does a pretty good job. Maeshni Naicker has her comic timing on point. Jailoshini Naidoo is absolutely terrific in quite a layered character. She dedinitely has a funny side to her coupled with an emotional streak, and she delivers a brilliant job.


Trippin’ With The Kandasamys is light, frothy and Highly Enjoyable. Available on Netflix.

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