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Lol Hasee toh phasee

2.5 Star popcorn reviewss


This is a first for us at Popcorn Reviewss. We are going to be reviewing a reality show for the very first time. There was much debate whether this should be reviewed or not. Eventually after much persuation, we took the plunge. And so I have just finished watching Lol Hasse Toh Phasse on Amazon Prime, does it tickle the funny bone stay tuned.


The show follows the concept of a handful of comedians trapped in a house for 6 hours. And there is just one rule – if you laugh, you are eliminated. The one who survives longest without laughing, lives to fight another day(in this case another hour). Even though this might seem like a sort of a Big Boss concept, I truely was fascinated by it. Just imagine going hours with laughing and smiling is truely difficult even though you may be going through a lot in life. So the concept is interesting.

Gags & Impact

The thing with such a show is that it is unstructured and hence unpredictable as to how it will turn out. With contestants doing random stuff to cross dressing to slapstick comedy and roast, there is absolutely no method to the madness. This is infact chaotic and so, most of the jokes do fall flat sadly. Had there been some structure from the writers, the impromptu acts would have left a lasting impact. Maybe something that the team could think of in their upcoming seasons.


From all the comedians, a few acts stand out. Suresh Menon is hilarious and does tickle your funny bone more often than not. Gaurav Gera is the most active performer of the show and though not very consistent but many of his gags do land. Likewise with Sunil Grover who does manage to put a smile on your face. Aadar Malik and Aakash Gupta up their game towards the end and both are hilarious then. All others are strictly okay.


Lol Hasse Toh Phasse does try to put a smile on your face in these gloomy times. But it is not always successful. Available on Amazon Prime.

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