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Julie and Julia 2009 Comedy English Movie Review

Julie & Julia

Sneha Bhat
4 Star popcorn reviewss

As we know a lot of movies/series are based on or inspired by books. Being an avid reader, whenever a finish reading a book, I make it a point to watch the movie. I love to critic on how they have not done justice to the book because lets face it book is always better than the movie, with a few exceptions. When I saw Julie and Julia, I was pleasantly surprised,  it most definitely is an exception.

Honestly the book was a bit of a snooze fest, but the movie is a stellar. Oh, did I mention it has Meryl streep? 

The movie is basically about a soon to be 30 year old women Julie, who doesn’t have much going on for her in life. She is fascinated by the American French style cooking chef Julia Child. She undertakes a challenge to cook up all the recipes from Julia’s cookbook within a year and blog her experiences. Will she make it? How would she make it? Is what the story is all about.

Amids all the cooking, Julie becomes attached to Julia and her antics. The movie takes us to Paris, wherein we see how Julia became THE JULIA CHILD. Between the past and the present we see a lot of emotions,  fun facts, and a lot of food!

Watch this movie to see Meryl Streep perform yet another magic on screen. Overall a very entertaining watch for your Sunday afternoon. 

Disclaimer: The above review solely illustrates the views of the writer.

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