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Jhimma 2

Farhad Dalal
Farhad Dalal
4 Star popcorn reviewss


It is still a Wednesday and we are slowly building up to the ‘Animal’ weekend. But before that, I thought of utilizing the mid-week slot by watching and reviewing the new Marathi film Jhimma 2 which is the sequel to Jhimma. Now, I had watched Jhimma on Amazon Prime about a year back, and I was enamoured by the freshness of the tale that did celebrate womanhood on a very different scale. So you did have a group of women from different walks of life and age-groups taking a trip to the UK together, in what was an enlightening journey of self-discovery. What I had liked was that each character was undergoing a personal issue which was addressed and overcome either by acceptance or having the ability to learn from each other. Additionally, I liked how progressive the writing was while dealing with the everyday problems of women, packaging the drama in a feel-good vibe as well. So when I did get to know about Jhimma 2, I was quite looking forward to taking a virtual trip with the ladies while getting to know each of them all over again. So then, does Jhimma 2 manage to impress, let’s find out.

Story & Screenplay

Following the events of the first film, Jhimma 2 follows the story of the bandwagon of women who decide to take a foreign trip to celebrate Indu’s 75th Birthday. This time though, there are new additions to the group that contribute to the overall chaos as the women bond with each other all over again! The story here is endearing while packaged in a happy feel-good drama while also touching upon a few women issues related to each character. All of it contributes towards Jhimma 2 being a happy film in many ways with traces of humour thrown in along the way. The screenplay standing at 130 odd minutes is compelling and I was quite invested in the journey of all the characters here, through their ups and downs and their personal conflicts that they were undergoing. But more importantly, I had a wide smile on my face right throughout the film. 

The drama opens with the introduction of the principal characters as they decide to take a trip together to celebrate, Indu’s 75th Birthday together. Right from the onset, you can feel the camaraderie between the ladies and how well their offscreen friendship may have translated onscreen. There is an atmosphere of positivity that is created and you slowly are privy to knowing the individuals again while getting familiar with the new ones. The beauty of Jhimma was the ability of the writers to develop character conflicts while being on the journey of self-discovery. And that is the case here as well! It is said that every trip that is taken, does change something in you for the better, and Jhimma 2 taps into exactly that aspect. 

The strongest aspect of the writing is its well etched out characters in a screenplay which is essentially character driven. This includes the baggages and insecurities that the various characters are holding onto, without having the courage to follow their heart or atleast address the issue that they were suffering from. And through the varied group of characters, acceptance and the ability to learn or relate with each other forms the streak for solution. The proceedings are engrossing and frequently laced with humour that does create a feel-good ambience in what is essentially a road film. Yet, the conflicts are tapped in a quieter space apart from the interval block that leads to a startling revelation of a character suffering from Parkinson’s disease. 

It is the second hour that develops on the conflicts(subtly so) through a thread that connects all the characters(and the viewers alike). The best part of the drama is that it could so easily have been a preachy affair, and to be fair it does enter that territory every now and then. But credit to the cautious writers who almost every time are self aware of this fact, and they balance out the scene with bouts of comedy that helps the drama retain its character and stay true to its tone. As a result, you are always invested in the journey of the protagonists while never really getting bogged down by the tone of the drama which is light and frothy. Yes, one little criticism could be that the conflicts and issues addressed in the first film were better staged, but the overall impact is not diluted at all. A part of me says that the deft tone was consciously done to waver the conflict almost as an undercurrent, and that worked in the favour of the drama. Overall, the screenplay is enjoyable while providing brief moments that are poignant in a drama that will allow you space to ponder on them. But more importantly, this is a celebration of womanhood in the truest sense!


Dialogues, Music & Direction

The dialogues are written with a light handedness to the proceedings that helps keep the tone of the drama light and frothy with frequent bouts of humour. The music and BGM blend well with the vibe of the drama, and thereby heighten the drama at frequent junctures. The cinematography is good while adding freshness to the drama through some wonderful frames of the locales. The editing is good as well keeping the length of the drama in check. Director Hemant Dhome does a wonderful job in creating a heartfelt drama of women with emotional baggages. In fact, the trip itself was a metaphor for the same. And he creates some heartwarming moments along the way that just hit home beautifully through some well etched out characters. At no point did the director weigh down the drama with its preachy messaging, and for that, the director deserves a huge round of applause.


The performances are pretty good by the ensemble cast. Gandhar Babre as Ankush and Anant Jog as Saheb have their moments to shine. Jack Mcginn as Alister is good as well. Suchitra Bandekar as Vaishali is a delight to watch. Her boistrous nature is controlled with some sharp one-liners that she executes perfectly. Rinku Rajguru as Tanya is a fine actor and she is natural to the core here. She is affable and full of life while also presenting an underlying caring streak that makes her very endearing. Shivani Surve as Manali has a wonderful character arc of a young woman battling her own insecurities, and she is absolutely brilliant to watch. She has a towering screen presence and expresses her emotions beautifully. Sayali Sanjeev as Krutika looks pretty and does a swell job here, much like in the first part. She was a delight to witness onscreen. 

Suhas Joshi as Indu had the most complex character to essay given that she has to portray herself as a woman full of life, yet deep within she is suffering from a disease that will only grow with time. And it did take a seasoned performer like her to pull off her role with finesse and ease. She was brilliant to the core. Kshitee Job as Meeta is wonderfully restrained in her performance in a character who is always available for others and immensely caring, while being vulnerable within with a potential life choice. 

Nirmiti Sawant as Nirmala is my favourite character here. Her character has so many layers to her including her struggle with the English language owing to the lack of her education back in the day. But she embraces it with a smile and dollops of humour that make you root for her character throughout. Her character though isn’t just about fun and games but essentially someone who has been carrying a baggage but is empathetic towards her own daughter-in-law given that she relates to her situation. And these were complex emotions packaged as a comedy wherein Nirmiti scores and how. This was a towering act. 

Siddharth Chandekar as Kabir has a charming presence onscreen and he is outstanding to witness. Amidst all the fun and games, there is a sensitive side to him(given that he stays with 3 women at his place) that he brings out beautifully. His virtue of kindness was on full display here and he was all heart right throughout the drama, in what was a towering act!


Jhimma 2 is a hilariously heartwarming journey of self discovery while celebrating womanhood in a drama that makes for a wonderfull watch. I had a smile on my face throughout the film and that says a lot! Available in a theatre near you and Highly Recommended!

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