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Farhad Dalal
Farhad Dalal
3 Star popcorn reviewss


Onto the next release of the weekend and I have finished watching the new Gujarati film Chandlo which is now streaming on Jio Cinema. This year has been a path breaking year for Gujarati films especially because they have been venturing in different spaces which wasn’t the case earlier. If Vash gave a new lease of life for Gujarati cinema in the Horror space, it was Gulam Chor that elevated its position in the thriller zone. This while films like Kutch Express and Chal Man Jeetva Jaiye 2 were excellent outings in the dramatic zone.

One look at Chandlo and it gave me an impression that it is the romantic zone that the Gujarati Cinema is tapping into. Ofcourse, the trailer did not quite reveal any details but it did seem like an emotional ride which is more or less in the comfort zone for Gujarati films. So while keeping my expectations low, I did venture into Chandlo without quite knowing what to expect. So then does Chandlo manage to impress, lets find out.

Story & Screenplay

This is the section wherein I usually give the premise of the film but I shall be keeping the story of Chandlo under wraps to avoid any sort of spoilers. The story here is relevant and I was so glad that a discussion around it was initiated by the makers. I am sure that the story will change perspectives of so many people wherein the focus would also be on having a liberating feeling irrespective of the age or gender of the person. The screenplay standing at a shade under 2 hours does make for a heartfelt watch.

The drama does open with the introduction of the protagonist who is extremely concerned about her daughter who is suffering from depression. Slowly but surely you get to know the reason for the same until she starts getting out of that phase after falling in love again. But fate has other plans in store for her and her mother! One of the strengths of the writing is the character development which lays out definite traits of every character. You are also able to invest in their journeys that does make for a heartfelt watch.

The proceedings are emotionally driven to begin with but I didn’t quite find any novelty in it. The events weren’t anything that you may not have watched previously. But as the drama began to unfold, I got to know that this was deliberately done as the writers did have a trick or two up their sleeves. There is a minor twist just before the halfway mark that reveals details about certain characters that changes the dynamics to an extent. This is further followed up with a massive twist which I did not see coming, and credit to the makers for keeping things under wraps. And that twist completely reset all the dynamics while introducing a valid topic which would be up for discussion in the coming days.

I was quite curious on how things would further pan out in the second hour given the sensitive nature of the drama. But there is always an issue with a film that heavily relies on that one massive twist to tell a story. The proceedings post that are slightly repetitive wherein I did feel that the writers did get a little stuck with the main event. The situations created did have their heart in the right place but they just went around in circles. The final act too was simplistic and a little too rushed for my writing. But having said that, the drama doesn’t derail in the second hour either. It is watchable while addressing a very pertinent issue while being progressive in its discussion. So kudos to the writers for that!

Dialogues, Music & Direction

The dialogues are majorly conversational with smaller bouts of melodrama that creeps into them. But they still manage to create a stir. The music is simply outstanding and Sachin-Jigar need to be given a lot of credit for creating such soulful tracks. The BGM does elevate the drama at many places. The cinematography and editing are adequate. Director Hardik Gajjar does a good job by tackling a delicate issue with utter sensitivity. Yes, the drama is coated with broader strokes but it does make for a heartfelt watch.


The performances are excellent here. Ojas Rawal as Utsav shines in that finale speech which is so heartfelt. Jayesh More as Tapas is endearing and caring. Manav Gohil as Sharan is excellent with a stupendous screen presence in a job done really well. Shraddha Dangar as Aastha has a bubbly presence onscreen and she is phenomenal to watch. She showcases her vulnerabilities really well and I was quite invested in her character. Kaajal Oza Vaidya as Meera is brilliant here and the kind of sensitivity that she brings to her character was stupendous to watch. It was quite a heartfelt performance by her.


Despite its flaws, Chandlo is a heartfelt romantic drama with a twisted fate and comprising of good performances that can be watched once. Available on Jio Cinema.

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