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Time To Dance

2.5 Star popcorn reviewss


One of my lesser known hobbies that the world knows is my love for dancing. I have attended dance classes to learn different forms. A few years ago, I had also taken up classes for ballroom dancing, something that wasn’t really my forte. But I enjoyed it nevertheless and it just seemed to add an additional armoury to my dancing. And so when a movie is out based on dancing, I take a keen interest in it. Bollywood has so far tapped the genre with the ABCD franchise. Come this weekend, it has to showcase its newest offering on Netflix titled Time To Dance. Is it worth your time, stay tuned. Is it worth your time, stay tuned.

Story & Screenplay

Time To Dance is your typical story of a girl and guy being underdogs in competing at a dance competition where they are pitted against all odds. The story has nothing new to offer and is wafer thin. The screenplay lacks imagination as well. While it is watchable, the proceedings are way too predictable from the first to the last scene. I would have skipped this point too if it wasn’t for its lacklustre execution. The writing should have been a little more sharper even though the plotlines are usually simple and predictable in a dance film.

Dialogues, Music & Direction

The dialogues are routine nothing much to shout about. The music was pretty good and I really enjoyed the BGM too that definitely added a nice layer to the proceedings. But I had an issue with the way the dance sequences were shot. Though the choreography was pretty good, the dance sequences did not leave that lasting impact due to its below average choreography. Director Stanley D’Costa is a little flat and he falters in executing this script. The direction could have been tighter. Also a small technical point being, the dubbing was off at many places.


The performances are decent. Saqib Saleem as Hardeep is decent in a cameo. Waluscha De Sousa as Mehar is pretty good. Rajpal Yadav as Sada is a little irritating and his humour falls flat. Isabelle Kaif as Isha looks beautiful and has a charming presence and she manages to impress in her debut outing. Sooraj Pancholi as Rishabh is decent and both him and Isabelle make a good onscreen pair. They dance pretty well but wish the script was a little better for them.


Time To Dance fails to weave the magic of ABCD due to its insipid writing and flat execution. Available on Netflix.

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